
Franciscan at Home

Forming those who form others

Proclaiming the Bad News to Teenagers

Certainly all of us who work with young people know that we are called to proclaim the “Good News.” But what about the bad news?

Three years ago, a survey of American Christians showed that only 32% of Christians believe in hell. Though these surveys were directed towards Christian adults of all denominations, it is fair to assume that Catholic teenagers would respond in a similar way.

In 2007, Pope Benedict XVI spoke to a suburban parish outside of Rome and said, “Jesus came to tell us every one is wanted in paradise, and that hell, about which little gets said today, exists and is eternal for those who shut their hearts to his love.”

Talking about hell can pose a challenge for those who work with young people today. Inevitable questions are raised:

“Who does the Church think is in hell?”
“Does the Church think that all of those who are not Catholic are burning in eternal flames?”
“If God loves everybody, then how can anybody be in hell?”

The difficult answers to these questions often discourage catechists from speaking to youth about this topic. But if young people don't understand the horrors of hell, they can never appreciate in the same way what Christ went through to bring them to heaven.

Or to put it another way, the Good News isn't really good unless the bad news is really bad.

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Dr. Bob Rice is an internationally known speaker, acclaimed musician, and innovative writer. He is Professor of Catechetics and the Director of the Masters of Arts in Catechetics and Evangelization at Franciscan University of Steubenville. He has a PhD in Theology from Liverpool Hope University where he researched Catholic youth and evangelization. He is a highly sought after presenter at youth conferences, young-adult gatherings, men’s conferences, parish missions, and catechetical workshops. Bob has authored many books, articles, and award-winning scripts that have helped people come to a deeper understanding of the Catholic faith. Bob has recorded numerous CDs and leads worship for over ten thousand people every year, mostly through the Steubenville Adult and Youth Conferences. He is the host of EWTN’s Franciscan University Presents. Bob lives in Steubenville with his beautiful wife Jennifer and their seven adorable children. You can find out more about him at bob-rice.com. He is the author of the life of Christ novel, Between the Saivior and the Sea, written through St. Peter's eyes and the spiriutality book, A 40-Day Spiritual Workout for Catholics.

This article is from The Sower and may be copied for catechetical purposes only. It may not be reprinted in another published work without the permission of Maryvale Institute. Contact [email protected]

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