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Adamus, Edmund
Aguilera-Titus, Alejandro
Albright, Fr. Matthew
Amann, Susan
Amick, Todd
Anderson, Fr. Derek
Anderson, Justin
Anderson, Fr. Derek
Angel, Bobby
Anonymous Author
Aquila, Bishop Samuel J.
Asci, Donald P.
Ashour, Monica
Atkinson, Joseph C.
Bailey, Kevin
Baker, Kimberly
Barrett, Ann Schmalstieg
Bartkus, Justin
Beckman, Jim
Benestad, Janet
Berchem, Mark
Bergsma, John
Berry OCD, Fr. Michael
Bertram, Fr. Jerome
Blair, Bishop Leonard
Blanchet, Alison
Bogart, Lani
Boland, Fr. Vivian
Boury, Tiffany
Bowles, Phillip
Boylan, Gerard
Bredon, Josephine
Brenninkmeyer, Linda
Brown, Carole M.
Buckley, Lorraine
Buechlein, Archbishop Daniel M.
Buljevic, Bishop Pedro Ossandón
Burgwald, Chris
Burke, Cardinal Raymond
Burnford, Thomas W.
Bursa, Brad
Caldecott, Stratford
Cardaronella, Marc
Caridi, Fr. Michael A.
Carstens, Christopher
Carter, Dallas V.
Casey, John
Cash, Fr. Richard
Catechist from the Ivory Coast
Catechists' Personal Testimonies
Cavadini, John C.
Cavalletti, Sofia
Cavanagh, James
Cavanaugh, Fr. Brian
Clarke, Kevin
Coakley, Christina
Colangelo, Kelly
Conley, Fr. Peter
Conlon, Bishop R. Daniel
Conrad, Fr. Richard
Cordes, Cardinal Paul Josef
Cordileone, Archbishop Salvatore J.
Costin, Nathan
Couture, Philip
Cozzens, Bishop Andrew
Crandall, Bryce
Creavey, Michael
Cullen, Jennifer
Cuthbertson, Marianne
Davies, Bishop Mark
Davies, Barbara
De Cointet, Fr. Pierre
De La Torre, Marlon
DeBroeck, Ximena
Deighan, Regina
DeLorenzo, Leonard
Dietel, Eric
Dill, Bill
Drennan, Martha
Du Rau, Sr. Hyacinthe DeFos
Dufault, Adam J.
Duo, Jeremy
Duran, Rev. Marek
Duran, Rev. Marek
Dwyer, Claire
Edwards, Sr Emanuela
Egan, Bishop Philip
Eipers, Carole
Elliott, Bishop Peter J.
Elmer, Scott
Esguerra-López, Fr. Martín I.
Etheredge, Francis
Evans, Bishop Michael
Evert, Jason
Eyth, Lori
Farey, Caroline
Farinholt, Austin
Farley, Steven
Fernandes, Bishop Earl K.
Fernández-Sardina, Martha
Figueroa, Dominic
Finn, Bishop Robert
Fisher OP, Bishop Anthony
Fisichella, Archbishop Rino
Fitzgerald, Allison
Flynn, Paula
Fougerousse, Carl
Fournier, Catherine
Fox, Ashley
Fox OP, Sr. Mary Michael
Franchi, Leonardo
Frank, Kris
Frank, Nic
Franke, James
Fritz, Everett
Gale, Jason
Gallagher, Eric
Gallant, Laura
Galloy, Sophie
Gan, Eugene
Gaston, James
Gateley, Markelle
Gavrilides, Francisco "Paco"
Gawaldo, Jason
Gessler, Benjamin
Gibson, Sr. Eleanor
Glemkowski, Tim
Gnirs, Dominik S.
Gomez, Archbishop José H.
Gracey, Lionel
Grant, Eileen
Green, Fr. Julian
Greene, Steve
Grodi, Marcus
Guardini, Romano
Haley, Bill
Hanning, Ryan
Harms, Arielle
Harnett, Carol
Hart, Mark
Hawes, Teresa
Healy, Jennifer
Heckman, Eric
Heintz, Msgr. Michael
Hemert, Jacqueline Van
Heming, Rolf
Heron, Dom Benedict
Hodder OP, Sr. Carino
Hollcraft, Joseph
Holmes, John
Houghton, Anita
Hughes, Archbishop Alfred
Hulmes, Edward
Hulmes, Edward
Hummes, Cardinal Cláudio
Hunter, Sarah
Hunter-Kilmer, Meg
Innerst, Sean
Janke, Adam
Jeffries, Quanah
Jones, Fr. Phillip
Kastl, Katie
Keating, Deacon James
Kehoe, Teresa
Keimig, William
Kelly, Mark
Kenny, Joshua
Kilbane, Clare
Killeen, Mary
Kisling, Sarah
Kloska, Robert
Knuth, Mike
Kolar, Thomas
Kreeft, Peter
Kuebler, Dan
Kurtz, Archbishop Joseph E.
Kutarna, Alexis K.
Laffitte, Bishop Jean
Lang, Fr Uwe Michael
Lankford, Ann
Laurel, Sr. Jane Dominic
Lawrence, Doris A.M.
Lefebvre, Fr. Jean-François
Lehne, Susanne
LeJeune, Marcel
LeVoir, Bishop John
Lewis, Fr. Jeffrey
Ley, Amette
Lichtfuss, Kurt
Lilles, Anthony
Link OP, Sr. Jude Andrew
Linnig, Waltraud
Littler, Jessica
Llovera, Cardinal Antonio Cañizares
Lori, Archbishop William
MacIver, Colin and Aimee
Madden, Megan
Mahan, Fr. Dan
Makosa, Fr Pawel
Malone, Bishop Richard
Malzaire, Bishop Gabriel
Maresca, Catherine
Marie-Eugene, Venerable
Marino, Lisa
Marino, Lisa
Marmion, Rev. John
Martin, Ralph
Martin, Michaelann
Martin, Sean
Martin, Regis
Martis OSB, Fr. Eusebius
Martis OSB, Fr. Eusebius
Massarella, Monica
Mattheiss, Samantha
McBride, Fr. Alfred
McCalister, Fr. Drake
McCormack IHM, Sr. Patricia M.
McKellar, Scott
McNamara, Denis
Meldrum, Linus
Millare, Roland
Minto, Andrew L.
Miritello, Brother Louis T.
Mirrione, Mary
Mixa, Robert
Monforton, Bishop Jeffrey
More, Sr. Thomas
Morlino, Bishop Robert C.
Mother Teresa
Murphy, Peter J.
Musa, Fr. Gerald
Myers, Archbishop John J.
Myers, Christine
Najarian, Christine
Naumann, Bishop Joseph F.
Nearmyer, Deborah
Neilson, Kyle
Newton, John
Newton, William
Nickless, Bishop Walker
Norris, Fr. Tom
Norris, Patty
Nunes, Sr. M. Karolyn
Nunes, Sr. M. Karolyn
O'Collins, Gerald
O'Rourke, Róisín
O'Shea, Dr. Gerard
Ogorek, Ken
Olmsted, Bishop Thomas
Olson, Bishop Michael F.
Ospino, Hosffman
Otremba, Jim and Maureen
O’Connor, William J.
O’Donoghue, Bishop Patrick
O’Malley, Timothy P.
O’Shea, Maria
Paruch, Sr. M. Johanna
Pattee, Fr. Daniel
Pauley, James
Pedraza, Brian
Pedrozo, Sarah
Pierick, Sr. Mary Prema
Piras, Blair
Pizzalato, Brian
Pollard, Monsignor John
Pollice, Lucas
Pope Benedict XVI
Pope Francis
Pritchard, Melanie
Rainone, Colleen
Rapisarda, John
Recinella, Therese
Redford, Rev. John M.
Regnier, André
Reichenbacher, Tom
Reid, James Patrick
Reid, James Patrick
Reilly, Fr. Stephen
Rice, Bob
Ricken, Bishop David L.
Rigali, Cardinal Justin
Rizkallah, Simone
Roberts, Amy
Robson, Sam
Rooyen, Fr. Pieter van
Rosney, Fr. Arnold
Rotty, Derek
Rowland, Tracey
Rowlands, Marie
Safranski, Ben
Salazar, Therese L.
Savage, Dr. Deborah
Saward, Fr. John
Sawyer, Fr. Benjamin
Scheerbaum, Kristi
Schmitz, Tony
Schnell, Brian
Schofield, Fr. Nicholas
Schönborn, Cardinal Christoph
Schreck, Jeanne
Schreck, Alan
Scotto TOR, Fr. Dominic
Seng, Aaron
Shaw, Sr. Rosaleen
Sheldon, Bishop Gilbert I.
Shellabarger, Fred
Siegel, Elizabeth
Sirois, Celia
Smith, Lori
Smith, Mary Jo
Sollom, Scott
Somers, Gayle
Spears, Olivia
Sri, Edward
St. André TOR, Fr. Jonathan
Stanley, Jake
Stanz, Julianne
Staudt, R. Jared
Stefanick, Chris
Steir, Marie Powell & Michael
Stepanek, Joel
Stepnowski OP, Sr. Thomas More
Stravinskas, Fr. Peter J.
Streit, Amelia
Stroik, Duncan
Sullivan, Gary
Sullivan, Jem
Sutton, Bob
Sweet, Rose
Swinburne, Richard
Tebartz-van Elst , Bishop Franz-Peter
The Spirit and the Bride Say 'Come'
Thelen, Paula
Thompson, Archbishop Charles
Tobin, Bishop Thomas J.
Todd, OP, Sr. Mary Madeline
Tomson, Fr. Tyron
Topley, Raymond
Torres FE, Sr. Alicia
Trevor, Meriol
Ulrich, Mariette
Van Dillen SsEW, Sr. Madeleine Marie
Varickasseril, Fr. Jose
Villeneuve, André
Vyner, Owen
Wack CSC, Bishop William
Wadsworth, Msgr. Andrew R.
Wagenbach, Andrew and Coreen
Wall, Bishop James S.
Wathen, Leonard
Watson, Msgr. Paul J.
Watson, Joan
Weber, Carson
Westby, Eric J.
White, Joseph D.
Wickware, Margaret
Wiesinger-Puig, Mary Ann
Willey, Petroc
Williams, Robert B.
Witte, Kristin
Wood, Jacob
Wright, Lauren
Wright, Lauren
Zapiain, Gloria
Zeno, Katrina
Znosko-Borovsky, Bishop Mitrophan
Zubik, Bishop David A.
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Adult Faith Formation
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Title of Article
Encountering God in Catechesis— “Bring a Non-Catholic to Mass”
Catechetical Review 11.1
Teaching Variations: How Catechesis Changes in Each of the Four Periods
Catechetical Review 11.1
Teaching the Truth of the Body in a Pastorally Loving Way
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“Porn Shows Not Too Much, but Too Little”: Pornography versus Theology of the Body
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Teaching Like Jesus: Using Parable to Explain the Faith
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The Spiritual Life— Being Reconciled with God
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The Pedagogy of Jesus: Some Examples
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To God, the Joy of My Youth: Sacred Music in the Catholic School
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Inspired Through Art— “Am I Not Here, Who Am Your Mother?”
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The Story of the Church and Science
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From Information to Transformation: Changing Approaches to Catechetical Texts
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From the Shepherds— Four Pillars for Building a Eucharistic Life
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Pilgrims of Hope
Catechetical Review 11.1
Jesus and the Jubilee: Reflections for the Jubilee Year 2025
Catechetical Review 11.1
Editor's Reflections— The Gift of the Jubilee Year
Catechetical Review 11.1
The Simplicity of How God Works
Catechetical Review 10.4
Book Review— I Believe, We Believe: An Illustrated Journey through the Apostles’ Creed
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Catholic Schools— Empower Students to Be Family Evangelizers
Catechetical Review 10.4
The Art of Accompaniment: Authentic Friendship on the Journey Toward Christ
Catechetical Review 10.4
OCIA— Christian Initiation: A Liturgical, Catechetical, and Pastoral Process
Catechetical Review 10.4
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