
Franciscan at Home

Forming those who form others

On the Spot: Drawn by Delight

‘On the Spot’ aims to highlight some of the complex positions, questions and comments experienced by Catechists, teachers and parents. It tries to outline the knowledge necessary to be faithful to Church teaching and which will best help those we teach who call us to account for the hope that is in us. [cf I Peter 3:15]

This time we look at the ways in which we can help adults respond to the grace of God which draws the human mind and spirit towards him who is the desire of every heart.

The analogy of a feast is central to the Christian life. Our Baptism is a washing and making ready for this feast; a “Nuptial Bath” preceding the wedding feast of the Eucharist. (CCC 1617) Not only do we share in the life of the Blessed Trinity even now through our participation in this holy food, but we also look forward to the Heavenly Banquet, the Marriage Feast of the Lamb.

This imagery is not accidental. The need for food is universal and draws everyone by their desire to eat. Anyone who is no longer interested in food is probably sick or dead, unless they have deliberately tamed their physical appetites for some purpose. Our daily lives are punctuated by our interaction with food, and every celebration or occasion will be marked with a meal of some kind. We are drawn to food by our human need to eat or die, even though we frequently eat more, and more richly, than is necessary for our health. We are drawn by the loveliness of fresh, well prepared food; its smell, its appearance, the promise of relaxation and laughter with friends and family. We are drawn by our own delight.

Hablemos de cosas prácticas: Notas desde la parroquia

a catequesis parroquial es una empresa un tanto desagradable. El catequista sabe del asombro y del gozo de aquellos que escuchan y creen; pero también de la pena al mirar a los tibios que se van alejando a la deriva. Hay frecuentemente un enfrentamiento diario con padres estresados y sobre extendidos en sus compromisos, adolescentes desinteresados y textos pobremente escritos. Al pelear por un espacio dentro de la parroquia, contestar dudas sobre el velo para la Primera Comunión, o explicar por qué un mejor amigo budista no cuenta como testigo cristiano para el bautismo, ¡el idealismo que acompañó a ese primer llamado catequético puede comenzar a disminuir! La pregunta comienza a filtrarse por los recovecos de la conciencia del catequista: “¿en qué estaba yo pensando?”

He trabajado desde hace 35 años con mi esposo como catequista voluntaria en la preparación pre-sacramental (especialmente, la preparación al matrimonio), así como la catequesis de adultos jóvenes y durante los últimos 23 años en el proceso de catecumenado (RICA). Ahora, como Directora de la Educación Religiosa en una parroquia sub-urbana de 1200 familias, yo sigo siendo catequista, pero además ¡preparo el café, acomodo las sillas, hago las hojas de Excel, hago anuncios, doy consejos, analizo textos, y mendigo presupuestos para todo aquello que necesita hacerse!

Después de decir esto, admito, lo amo todo.

La Iglesia santifica el tiempo, y el ritmo de la vida y la muerte es la melodía que está organizada como una gran sinfonía levantada hacia el trono de la gracia con cada oración y acción sacramental que se pronuncia. Como catequistas, estamos al servicio de este misterio. Esta temporada del año, el final del año litúrgico y el paso al Adviento y a un nuevo año litúrgico, le da al catequista la oportunidad de contemplar nuevamente los comienzos y los finales. Al prepararnos y al preparar a los otros para que contemplen con asombro a Dios encarnado en el pesebre de Navidad, nos recuerda que la llamada a la conversión del Bautista todavía nos habla hoy. Este mundo tendrá un fin y nos pondremos delante del Señor Jesús y nos someteremos con nuestros trabajos, triunfos, pecados y tragedias a su Juicio Divino. Qué tan bien nos permitamos a nosotros y a nuestros trabajos configurarse con Cristo tiene consecuencias eternas, te rogamos Dios, que todo monte se allane y que todo valle se levante.

On the Spot: God's Pedagogy and the Call to Obedience

This feature aims to highlight some of the complex positions, questions and comments experienced by Catechists, teachers and parents. It tries to outline the knowledge necessary to be faithful to Church teaching and which will best help those we teach who call us to account for the hope that is in us. (cf I Peter 3:15)

We look at how we can imitate the ‘divine pedagogy’ of welcoming revelation by stages in our handing on the faith to our children.

‘The divine plan of Revelation….involves a specific divine pedagogy: God communicates himself to man gradually. He prepares him to welcome by stages the supernatural Revelation that is to culminate in the person and mission of the incarnate Word, Jesus Christ.’ (CCC 53 my emphasis)

The children in the top infant class were preparing some pictures to make a wall frieze; they were illustrating the nursery rhyme, ‘Humpty Dumpty’.

‘You paint Humpty Dumpty, Louisa,’ said the teacher, handing each child a large sheet of paper, ‘And you paint one of the King’s men, Jack; and Debbie, you paint a horse. Mickey, you paint the wall.’

Anyone who has spent time with small children will know how that turned out. The caretaker was not pleased and the paint never really came off the wall completely. But Mickey had not been disobedient – it was simply his understanding that was not up to the task. He did what was asked of him in blind obedience.

In looking at God’s way of revealing himself gradually to us, and at what was expected by way of our response, I want to draw out the parallels with passing on the Faith today, and try to show how we need to regulate and graduate our teaching on revelation, as well as our expectations of responses to that revelation. In identifying how our responses to God’s revelation help us to build on what has gone before, I hope to come closer to identifying what an appropriate response to God’s revelation might mean for us and for our children.

Catechesis on the Sign of the Cross

How do we catechise on the Sign of the Cross? These points may help us to see the richness of a liturgical catechesis on the words and on the bodily gesture.
For example:
Express our baptismal birthright
Proclaim the promise of Christ
Present saving doctrine
Act as a fourfold prayer
Are an expression of the primacy of grace and of our personal response

On the Spot: Bridging the Right Gap

On the Spot aims to highlight some of the complex positions, questions and comments experienced by catechists, teachers and parents. It tries to outline the knowledge necessary to be faithful to Church teaching and which will best help those we teach who call us to account for the hope that is in us. This time we look at a question sometimes faced by those who want to respond to the call of the laity to participate more fully in their sharing of the prophetic, priestly and kingly office of Christ.

The young mother at the school gate recognised me and came over to chat. She, a cradle Catholic, had recently attended a parish talk on ministry in the Church, thinking it would increase her understanding of her faith; and now she found that she had been included in the numbers on a course especially to train Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. She was a little puzzled.

‘They didn't ask me if I wanted to be a Eucharistic Minister,’ she said. ‘They just assumed that everyone wants to do this.’

I was reminded of the recent RCIA meeting where two or three of those preparing to enter into full communion with the Church confided to me that they were really looking forward to perhaps being an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist.

Both the reluctant and the enthusiastic would-be Minister of the Eucharist indicate two areas of misunderstanding over the role of the laity in the Church. Firstly, the reality of what it means to act as an Extraordinary Minister; and secondly, the resultant obscuring that can take place of the laity’s true dignity and office.

How, therefore, can we catechize to ensure that the unique role of the laity is brought out?

Teaching the Way of God in Truth

In this article Fr. Vivian Boland discusses the vocation to catechesis within the context of Religious Life.

Pope John Paul II’s post-synodal exhortation Vita Consecrata (1996) is now the best point of reference for a reflection on the vocation to catechesis within the context of religious life. The exhortation is in three main parts, concerned with the confession of the Trinity, the sign of communion, and the service of charity. Religious life, the Pope says, is the icon of these things, realizing for the whole Church a total dedication to contemplation, communion and mission. The work of catechesis also finds its deepest theological and spiritual meaning in relation to contemplation, communion and mission.

A properly Christian understanding of any profession or occupation requires that we refer it to the Blessed Trinity, the communion of life and love that God is. All gifts, ministries and services find their ultimate significance in the mutual presence, communion and giving of the Persons of the Trinity. This mystery, revealed to us by the Son in the Holy Spirit is the source from which we draw our understanding of Christian life. This presence, communion and giving flows from the Father into the Church through the Son and the Spirit giving rise to myriad forms of religious life, Christian ministry and charitable care.

Catechesis on Religious Life

We know that all Catholics are called to witness to the Gospel and to tell others of their Catholic faith.[i] However, religious could be said to be prime witnesses to the faith: ‘those who are called to the consecrated life have a special experience of the light which shines forth from the Incarnate Word... “How good it is to be with you” (Matt.17:4), to devote ourselves to you, to make you the one focus of our lives!’[ii]

They have (or should have!) the time to ‘imbibe’ Christ, so-to-speak, to sit at his feet so that they can go out, reflecting this light of the Incarnate Word.

This light of Christ grows brighter through the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity and obedience - and in my own Dominican tradition, it grows brighter also through the assiduous study of sacred truth and through the monastic observances. Through these observances we endeavour to give something back to God, to ‘praise Him, to bless Him and to preach His Gospel’. Laudare, Benedicere, Praedicare is the motto for the Dominicans. And how appropriate is the motto for the work of catechesis, for in catechesis we are surely assisting others to respond to his grace so as to praise, bless and preach Him.

Editor’s Notes: Catechesis and Dialogue

As a teaching method in catechesis, dialogue is often given a prominent place: it is seen as a ‘democratic’ mode of teaching, enabling a range of views to be heard and considered within a relationship of mutual give and take; it seems to be respectful of the learner, speaking ‘with’ rather than ‘to’ the person, allowing the other into the teaching which is taking place; and it can develop the learner’s potential, encouraging the development of critical and intellectual skills through a mutual and shared engagement with questions.

Many go further, arguing that catechesis should privilege dialogue as the preferred means of communication of the Faith.

The Church documents speak of God’s ‘dialogue of salvation’[i] being at the heart of catechesis, so that ‘The wonderful dialogue that God undertakes with every person becomes its inspiration and norm’.[ii] God speaks his word and seeks the response of his creatures. God reveals to man the plan he is to accomplish and calls for a response in faith to that Revelation. At the beginning of the first part of the Catechism this fundamental orientation of catechesis towards dialogue is implied: ‘The dignity of man rests above all on the fact that he is called to communion with God. This invitation to converse with God is addressed to man as soon as he comes into being’.[iii] Cavalletti rightly emphasises that in catechesis there is a call to ‘be attentive to the dialogue that is concretized in the covenant’.[iv]

Mary, the First Catechist

John tells the story this way: There was a wedding in Cana. Mary was there as a guest. So was Jesus, her Son. So were His first disciples. Mary noticed that the wine was running short, a terrible embarrassment to the hosts of the wedding. In going to her Son, Mary simply said: ‘They have no wine.’ Imagine Jesus looking at her deeply, accompanied with a bit of a sigh. ‘How does this concern me? My hour has not yet come.’ The best was yet to come. Mary’s response. She said nothing. She found the wine servers. She pointed back to her Son. She said: ‘Do whatever he tells you.’ And that was her exit out of the story. She left it up to her Son Who instructed the servers to fill the large stone jars with water. That water became the good wine. That good wine was the beginning of the signs and wonders that ‘revealed His glory’ to the world, even and especially to this day. John’s story of the Wedding Feast of Cana is like peeling an onion. There are so many layers, ever so delicate and unique that we can gather from this chapter of Scripture.

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