From the Shepherds: The Paradigm of Mercy in the New Directory for Catechesis
On June 25, 2020, the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization, headed by its president, His Excellency Archbishop Rino Fisichella, presented for the Universal Church a new Directory for Catechesis.
Perspectivas sobre el nuevo Directorio para la catequesis – Estímulo para el contenido: apertura a los signos de los tiempos
El 25 de octubre del año en curso, El Pontificio Consejo Vaticano para la Promoción de la Nueva Evangelización publicó el nuevo Directorio para la Catequesis. Este es el tercer documento apostólico explícito y oficial sobre la catequesis en tiempos recientes.
Perspectives on the New Directory for Catechesis – Encouragement for Content: Openness to the Signs of the Times
On June 25th of the current year, the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization released the new Directory for Catechesis. This is the third explicit apos- tolic and official document on catechesis in recent times.
From the Shepherds: Proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ with Enthusiasm
Psalm 42:1, “Like a deer thirsting for running water,” illustrates the soul touched by the grace of God. The enthusiastic catechist needs to be confident that God is already at work in the student. However, amid the increasing isolation of youth in the secular culture, it is easy to be less than confident.
From the Shepherds: Evangelizing Through Catholic Schools
Ample research has shown that a great majority of young people are leaving the Church before age 22 and choosing to never return. Many studies have been done on the Millennial Generation to discover their affinity (or lack thereof) to the Christian Faith. The Church’s response to this lack of faith is the New Evangelization.
From the Shepherds: The Universal Call to Holiness
Amid the dark shadows that have at times been cast over the face of the Church, too often obscuring for our contemporaries the clear light of Christ shining from her (see Lumen Gentium n. 1), we need to focus anew on the universal call to holiness.
From the Shepherds: Catechesis in the Light of the Papal Magisterium of Pope Francis' Evangelii gaudium - An Access to the Church’s Mission
From the Shepherds: Rejoice and Be Glad
In early April 2018, Pope Francis released his Apostolic Exhortation Rejoice and Be Glad, in which he invites us to respond generously to God’s invitation to holiness of life. We are called to be holy disciples of the Lord; but we need to learn from the witness of saints who have gone before us, not just officially canonized saints but also saintly people next door or in our extended family.
Desde los Pastores: Una catequesis de pertenencia
El papel de la familia como modelo catequético para el ministerio hispano
From the Shepherds: A Catechesis of Belonging
The Role of the Family as the Catechetical Model for Hispanic Ministry
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