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Catechetical Institute Resources

We seek to serve you through our rich resources, including videos, audio recordings, magazines, books, brochures, and other resources, produced by Franciscan University faculty and staff, conference speakers, and our collaborators. We are pleased to make many of these resources available for free, with only a handful of items requiring a subscription or purchase.
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Sr. M. Johanna Paruch, FSGM
Como padres de familia católicos y educadores religiosos, podemos sentir como si estuviéramos perdiendo la batalla que estamos librando cuando confrontamos las estadísticas actuales de los que abandonan su fe. Sin embargo, si recurrimos a las obras poderosas del Espíritu Santo a lo largo de la Historia de la Iglesia, nos inspira una nueva confianza en que Dios seguirá llamando a hombres y mujeres santos para difundir la Buena Nueva. En estos doce capítulos de narrativa histórica, reflexión y oración, vemos que los santos están dispuestos a morir por la fe, porque ante todo es una fe que vale la pena vivir. A mediados del siglo XVI, un estimado nueve millones de indígenas entraron a la Iglesia como resultado de la visitación de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe ante el campesino Juan Diego en México. Luego los misioneros que llegaron al "Nuevo Mundo" entregaron su vida por Cristo en la obra de evangelización y catequesis. Estos santos de la catequesis son nuestros Mentores para la Nueva Evangelización. Sin el lujo de recursos monetarios o tecnológicos, estos pioneros de la fe en Norteamérica vencieron obstáculos que parecían insuperables, y forjaron un camino para llevar a todos los que enseñaban hacia una unión íntima con Cristo. Aunque muchos de ellos eran talentosos e ingeniosos, fue su humildad y su santidad de vida centrada en Cristo que atraía la gente a la fe. Que estos mentores nos guíen en la Nueva Evangelización. Sor M. Johanna Paruch nació en la provincia de Nueva Escocia en Canadá, y es miembro de las Hermanas de San Francisco del Mártir San Jorge. Ha estado involucrada en la catequesis desde hace casi 40 años. Recibió su Maestría en Educación Religiosa del Angelicum y su Doctorado en Catequética del Maryvale Institute en Inglaterra. Actualmente funge como Profesor Adjunto de Teología en la Franciscan University of Steubenville en Ohio.
Pope Paul VI
Click to purchase from Franciscan University Bookstore. On Evangelization in the Modern World.
Saint John Paul II
Click to purchase from Franciscan University Bookstore. The Lay Members of Christ's Faithful People.
Saint John Paul II
Click to purchase from Franciscan University Bookstore. On Catechesis in Our Time Perhaps no other papal document more eloquently articulates the importance of catechesis in our time - and how to undertake it - than Catechesi Tradendae. Written by Saint Pope John Paul II, this apostolic exhortation describes the important and unique roles the Church, the laity, and the family play in ensuring that all Catholics not only understand the Faith, but are prepared to live it fully. Saint Pope John Paul II gives the catechist the vision, methods, and roadmap for effective and dynamic catechesis in our modern culture. Bishop Kevin Vann, Bishop of Orange
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Click to purchase from Franciscan University Bookstore. This 200-page volume offers a clear synopsis of the essential contents of the faith as promulgated in the Catechism of the Catholic Church in 598 questions and answers. Like the 1992 Catechism, the Compendium has a four-part structure and includes a section on common prayers and Catholic doctrinal formulas. Because of the question-and-answer format, catechetical leaders-parents, pastors, teachers, principals, and catechists-have a unique opportunity to dialogue with the faithful and to reinvigorate the Church's ongoing mission of evangelization and catechesis. Individuals can come "to know the unfathomable riches of the salvific mystery of Jesus Christ" by reading, using, and memorizing parts of the Compendium of the Catechism. An essential tool for youth and young adults, the Compendium is the perfect companion to a youth's or young adult's Bible, spiritual reading, or textbook. Catechetical leaders in high schools, colleges, and parishes will appreciate its vitality-as a reference book, discussion starter, or core resource for RCIA programs.
Mark Hart
Click to purchase from Franciscan University Bookstore. Got questions? The Bible has an answer to them. Mark Hart has been asked lots of questions throughout his 20 year career in youth ministry and found answers in a book much older (and wiser). He has collected these questions and compiled them into one, easy to read book. The topics you'll find on these pages are an assortment of the serious and simple, including inquiries about God, the Church, temptations, social media, technology, and more. The solutions Mark provides are lighthearted and uplifting, but also challenge readers to find God in the everyday and truly live a life for Christ.
Dr. James C. Pauley
Click to purchase from Franciscan University Bookstore. In Liturgical Catechesis in the 21st Century: A School of Discipleship, Dr. James Pauley explores the sacred action most essential to forming genuine disciples: the transformative encounter with God in the liturgy. Drawing upon important twentieth-century intellectual influences as well as the experience of several of today's foremost catechetical leaders, this book will inspire readers with a promising new vision for sacramental preparation and mystagogical catechesis, one that places maximum emphasis on apprenticing people into an active and fruitful sacramental life in Christ. "Liturgical Catechesis in the 21st Century: A School of Discipleship reveals the insightful, well-researched voice of a gifted catechist and an accomplished liturgical scholar - not from an ivory tower, but from the trenches of hard won pastoral experience. James Pauley brings the Church's liturgical-catechetical tradition to life, makes it present and relevant, and offers today's pastoral ministers, catechists, and liturgists new vision and strategies to revitalize parish life and help accomplish that 'transformational encounter with God' needed for missionary discipleship."
Text, Video (Free)
Mark Hart and Todd Lemieux
Click to purchase from Franciscan University Bookstore. 100 Things Every Catholic Teen Should Know will help a teenager at any stage of his or her faith learn some of the most foundational and controversial teachings of the Catholic Church in a way that is easy to read, insightful, and fun to read.
Click to purchase from Franciscan University Bookstore. We speak thousands of words every day and probably hear and read even more. Few of them will impact your life, even fewer will change it, and far fewer transform it in a given day. Most will be meaningless and quickly forgotten. But some words stand the test of time because of the One who spoke them. God's Word is living and effective (Hebrews 4:12) and has convicted hearts and drawn people into a deeper relationship with God for thousands of years. Do you know these incredible words? The Catholic Teen Bible from Life Teen is the entirety of Sacred Scripture, undisrupted, with powerful supplementary material that will help you navigate God's Word, understand it more deeply, and engage the Word of God in prayer and silence. Few words will transform your life - but this Word will. This is more than a book - these are the words of life.
Life Teen Staff
Click to purchase from Franciscan University Bookstore. Maybe the last time you went to confession was seven years ago or seven days ago. Regardless of if you've been away from the sacrament for a long time or only a couple of weeks, the feeling of waiting in the confession line is always a little bit tense. Don't wait alone. Come Clean is filled with tools to help prepare your heart for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and will help calm any pre-forgiveness anxiety you may be feeling. The next time you go to receive the sacrament - whether it is next week or next month - bring Come Clean along with you and don't wait alone in the confession line.
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