
Franciscan at Home

Forming those who form others

Catechesis on the Miracles of Jesus: Why God Wants to Intervene in Nature

In this series on the Miracles of Jesus we have been exploring the whole question of the possibility of miracles by examining the approach of C.S. Lewis. We have seen that the idea that Nature accounts for all that exists is in the end untenable. Reason or rationality cannot be explained within the cause and effect relationship of natural processes. Rationality is something outside of Nature, which acts upon it – giving meaning and purpose.

From the basis of the human experience of Rationality acting from outside upon Nature, Lewis discusses whether this should be properly described as an “invasion”. When we look at the actual results of the interaction of Nature and Rationality, when Rationality enters Nature, then Nature is given order, purpose and meaning. Nature of itself does not provide this. It only provides a series of events following certain other events. It doesn’t actually make sense of them. For that is an act of Reason. When Nature tries to subsume Rationality into itself, making reason into a blind mechanism, then Nature succeeds not only in destroying reason, but ultimately, also destroys itself – condemns itself to being without purpose or reason. (Fortunately, says Lewis, the Naturalists often forget the theory they hold, and act in a human and rational way.)

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Msgr. Paul J. Watson is the Director Emeritus of Maryvale Institute, where he teaches Scripture, spirituality and catechesis. Ordained January 12, 1974, he has served as pastor for many parishes. He was awarded an S.T.L. Summa Cum Laude (Spirituality) from Gregorian University in Rome, and has written a course book for Maryvale’s BA in Applied Theology / BA Divinity on the “Church’s Developing Vision of Catechesis” as well as a course book on "The Christian Tradition of Spiritual Formation" for the MA in Religious and Educational Studies. Msgr. Paul jointly launched, and regularly contributes to, a monthly magazine Bible Alive of Scriptural catechesis and personal spirituality. 

This article is from The Sower and may be copied for catechetical purposes only. It may not be reprinted in another published work without the permission of Maryvale Institute. Contact [email protected]

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