
Franciscan at Home

Forming those who form others


Catechetical Institute Resources

We seek to serve you through our rich resources, including videos, audio recordings, magazines, books, brochures, and other resources, produced by Franciscan University faculty and staff, conference speakers, and our collaborators. We are pleased to make many of these resources available for free, with only a handful of items requiring a subscription or purchase.
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Video (Free)
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Presented by Dr. Scott Sollom, Director of Franciscan’s Office of Catechetics and Dr. Bill Keimig, Assistant Director of the Catechetical Institute. Mar 30, 2022. We are announcing here the founding of a US-based international Guild, anchored to Franciscan University’s work and charism in the fields of evangelization and catechetics. We hope it will be a diverse and high-contact entity serving two main constituencies: catechists in any role and leaders at any level. A guild is defined as an association of people for mutual aid and the pursuit of a common goal, providing a way for skills to be learned and passed down in a context of apprenticeship and mentoring, with clearly defined and shared standards of craftsmanship, methods, and commitment to excellence. A key aspect of this Guild is to make possible strong formation and relationships, so that people who sometimes feel isolated in being faithful to the Church would not remain unsupported and unaccompanied, and the faithful creativity we see arising in so many places can be fruitfully shared under the grace and guidance of Mother Church. This webinar will discuss what we are seeking to offer in creating this Guild.
Video (Free)
Presented by Ken Ogorek of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis and Dr. Chris Burgwald of the Diocese of Sioux Falls. Mar 15, 2022. All diocesan leaders desire to be agents of growth in the Body of Christ, and specifically sources of authentic help to the myriad of ministers laboring in parish vineyards. At its best this is always to be a great one-to-one work as much as possible with those serving in parish and school leadership, but also must have the character of a strategic approach that bears the vision of the bishop into practical forms of generous aid with resources, prudent advice, and wise policy. A challenge to balance to be sure! This webinar explores these realities from the perspective of two deeply experienced diocesan leaders.
Video (Free)
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The Catechetical Institute has launched a new track – we invite you to discover our new workshops for ministry to young adults!
Video (Free)
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Setting your expectations, learning best practices, and discovering other tools to help you make the most of your Franciscan At Home membership!
Video (Free)
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How to help children and teens desire God and love His Church, not just go through programs or be informed in a classroom, and how the Catechetical Institute can help with that! Oct 5, 2021
Video (Free)
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How to effectively reach parents to truly enable them, not just exhort them, and how the Catechetical Institute can help with that! Sep 7, 2021.
Video (Free)
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How to strengthen your OCIA/RCIA process to be the best your parish has ever offered and how the Catechetical Institute can help with that! Aug 10, 2021
Video (Free)
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How to grow your own spiritual life towards interior peace and joy in the middle of a busy world and a hostile culture, and how the Catechetical Institute can help with that!
Video (Free)
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How to foster mentoring and accompanying, peer groups, gentle accountability, and creative leadership in forming those you lead, and how the Catechetical Institute can help with that! Nov 9, 2021
Video (Free)
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Onboarding and Growing Your People: Best Practices in what other parishes and schools are doing to successfully implement the Catechetical Institute's tracks and workshops! May 11, 2021.
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