Archdiocese of Kaunas, Lithuania
Sveiki atvykę į Kauno arkivyskupijos Stiubenvilio (Steubenville, JAV) Pranciškonų universiteto katechetikos instituto puslapį!
Su džiaugsmu pristatome Jums puikią galimybę dalyvauti vienoje geriausių pasaulyje katechetų ugdymosi ir formavimo internetinių platformų ir kviečiame į naują augimo krikščioniškoje misijoje nuotykį, 2024 metais su vyskupų palaiminimu prasidėjusį Lietuvoje.
Kauno arkivyskupija džiaugiasi bendradarbiavimu su Katechetikos institutu (KI) ir gali jums pasiūlyti galimybę dar geriau pažinti katalikiškąjį tikėjimą ir tobulėti Gerosios Naujienos skelbimo bei tikėjimo mokymo misijoje Lietuvoje.
Katechetikos Instituto misija – kokybiškai ruošti ugdytojus, Viešpaties kviečiamus tarnauti ar tarnaujančius Bažnyčios ugdymo tarnystėse - kunigus, diakonus, vienuolius, tėvus, katechetus, mokytojus ir komandas, tiek profesionalus, tiek savanorius. Institutas siūlo pagrindinių evangelizacijos įgūdžių formavimą, katechezės, mentorystės, dvasinio vadovavimo, pašaukimo atpažinimo, dvasinės kovos, komandos formavimo ir daugelį kitų praktinių temų. Visi kursai sukurti ne vien profesionalams, bet ir visiems tikintiesiems, kurie kasdien keliauja su Bažnyčia jos dvasinėje kelionėje ir nori joje augti bei tarnauti.
Jūsų parapija jau yra registruota KI kaip Kauno arkivyskupijos dalis, todėl instituto kursai prieinami kiekvienam užsiregistravusiam arkivyskupijos asmeniui, juose gali dalyvauti visi norintys.
Spustelėję ant nuorodos, rasite instrukciją kaip susikurti savo nemokamą individualią paskyrą https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vO0V6QvN_QKLeSdF69YZI-FX9qmu3Z8J/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=110804721440258916471&rtpof=true&sd=true . Savo paskyroje galėsite mokytis individualiai, su mentoriumi, ar grupėje!
Šiuo metu vyksta Mentorystės kursas anglų kalba ir į lietuvių kalbą verčiamas Katechetų ugdymo kursas, kuris artimoje ateityje bus prieinamas visiems.
Tikimės, kad dalyvaudami kursuose, patirsite didžiąją Kristaus meilę jums ir būsite pripildyti drąsos bei uolumo dalytis Kristumi su visais, kuriuos sutiksite savo kelyje!
Kylant klausimams, kviečiame susisiekti ir kreiptis:
- Dėl prisijungimo ir informacijos apie kursus ir jų eigą:
Jokūbas Petrikonis: [email protected]
- Dėl informacijos apie kursų turinį, studijavimo galimybes ir pobūdį:
Aušra Mizgirienė: [email protected];
- Visais kitais klausimais:
s. Benedikta Cylikaitė SF: [email protected]; Kauno arkivyskupijos katechetikos centro vadovė
Learning Tracks
This workshop explores the most critical element in the graced work of passing on the faith — you. Because the content of the faith is a Person — the Person of Christ — the person of the catechist is pivotal for success. The vocation of the catechist is to be a witness of Christ’s goodness, of His zeal, of His ways, of Him — to be like the Master. “Whatever be the level of his responsibility in the Church, every catechist must constantly endeavor to transmit by his teaching and behavior the teaching and life of Jesus” (St. John Paul II, Apostolic Exhortation "On Catechesis in Our Time," Catechesi tradendae (CT) 6). This calling is both joyfully thrilling, and jarringly daunting. It is a supernatural work, beyond our natural capacities. “Catechesis . . . is consequently a work of the Holy Spirit, a work that He alone can initiate and sustain in the Church” (CT 72). And sustain in you. This foundational workshop offers inspiration, insight, and guidance to encourage catechists as they strive to live out their privileged vocation.
Mentorship is integral to ministry in the Catholic Church, as well as to life in the home. In ministry we are privileged to be able to participate in the Blessed Trinity’s divine and loving mentorship of every soul. In His gracious plan of salvation, God, our heavenly Father provides for us to receive all the guidance we need for our journey to Him, for our everlasting homecoming. Through the sending of His own Son and Spirit, He not only teaches us the Way to Him but also gives Himself to us to be our companion on this royal highway. The Church, the Body of His Son, formed by the Spirit, mothers and mentors us on this journey, and it is within this Body that each of us who are also called into ministry — whether as ordained members, as parents, or as lay catechists and pastoral associates — exercise a mentorship for those whom we serve. Our ministry, then, is a participation in His mentorship. Our ministry is one of the ways in which God makes this generous provision of mentorship for others.
The ministry of catechesis and the ministry of spiritual formation are ordinarily somewhat separate in people’s understanding. Yet in the Church’s mind, they relate naturally and necessarily. In the General Directory for Catechesis we read, “Truly, to help a person to encounter God, which is the task of the catechist, means to emphasize above all the relationship that the person has with God so that he can make it his own and allow himself to be guided by God. . . . The catechist is essentially a mediator. He facilitates communication between the people and the mystery of God, between subjects amongst themselves, as well as with the community” (139, 156). This workshop explores what it means to be guided — an intentional docility and trust in the Church's ability to lead us to spiritual growth, to peace with God, to sanctity. Building upon this, we then examine the fundamentals of what it means for you to guide another soul in a catechetical context, so that you can more intentionally seek to be all that the catechetical vocation is graced to become. This workshop's creation was made possible through a generous grant by the Our Sunday Visitor Institute.
This workshop is about the central importance of personal vocation. In the words of St. John Paul II, the human person, each unique and unrepeatable, is “the primary and fundamental way for the Church” (RH 14). Each is called to a graced path: to eternal divine beatitude, and to live as a person devoted to the good of his or her neighbor. We will discuss the meaning of personal vocation as it emerged from the Second Vatican Council and was developed in the teaching of St. John Paul II. The unfortunate neglect of personal vocation will also be addressed. We will discuss the pressing need for integrating personal vocation into all Catholic formation. Mentors must situate their mentorship squarely within their own unique callings. In turn, they must help those in their care further clarify and deepen their own personal vocations. Personal vocation should not be a peripheral concept for the Catholic but a central and integrating principle of a life lived in and for Christ.
An important part of being a mentor is getting to really know the person under your care. In this workshop, we explore various kinds of questions related to this work of discovery, and demonstrate which ones best accomplish the objective of authentically revealing that person’s thoughts and needs to productively and wisely build the mentoring relationship. Poor questions result in missed opportunities or weak rapport. Great questions truly serve to open up a soul and build strong mentorship. We especially emphasize the value of open-ended questions oriented toward drawing out a person’s life story. This workshop's creation was made possible through a generous grant by the Our Sunday Visitor Institute.
Empathic listening makes a profound impact on mentoring relationships and in the mentor’s ability to influence effectively someone seeking guidance. When mentors ask good questions, they demonstrate a sincere interest in getting to know those in their care. Such questions orient the relationship towards more authentic sharing, and thereby allows the Holy Spirit to foster spiritual progress and genuine openness to God’s will. This workshop is intended to complement the workshop on asking good questions. Empathic listening is the counterpart skill that enables mentors to truly understand another person intellectually as well as emotionally. As well as addressing the meaning of empathy, we discuss how Jesus provides the superlative pattern for this service to souls. This workshop's creation was made possible through a generous grant by the Our Sunday Visitor Institute.
St. Teresa of Calcutta stated that, “I never look at the masses as my responsibility; I look at the individual. I can only love one person at a time, just one, one, one. . . So you begin. I began – I picked up one person. Maybe if I didn't pick up that one person, I wouldn't have picked up forty-two thousand. . . The same thing goes for you, the same thing in your family, the same thing in your church, your community. Just begin – one, one, one.” All conversion is local. Formation in the faith is always first and foremost God’s attentive presence to the individual. From this principle arises the importance of mentorship, and for that guidance to be proximal and personal: a mentoring accompaniment. This workshop encourages all those in any form of ministry to discover by experience the value of making the effort to be more personally available to people.