
Franciscan at Home

Forming those who form others

Youth & Young Adult Ministry: Listening and Accompaniment

The Instrumentum laboris describes the scope of the upcoming Synod on Youth, the Faith, and Vocational Discernment with these words: “just as our Lord Jesus Christ walked alongside the disciples of Emmaus, the Church is also urged to accompany all young people, without exception, towards the joy of love” (no. 1). The theme of accompaniment weaves through the document like a melody on which all other harmonies are based. In fact, accompaniment is explained as a non-negotiable within youth ministry. “The accompaniment of younger generations is not an optional element in the task of educating and evangelizing young people, but an ecclesial duty and a right of every young person” (no. 85).

This concept is not new in the life of the Church. In 1976, the United States’ Bishops published A Vision of Youth Ministry, which proposed the story of Emmaus as the guiding image for how ministry to youth should be carried out: through the process of listening and accompaniment. These two principles go hand in hand.

Intentional listening is an essential part of accompaniment, and one that we in the Church must strive to increase in our work with young people. Though Jesus knew the answers to the questions the two disciples were asking, he engaged them in a dialogue about what had just occurred in Jerusalem and listened as they shared their stories. Only when they were finished did he open up the Scriptures to give them a fuller understanding.

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Dr. Bob Rice is an internationally known speaker, acclaimed musician, and innovative writer. He is Professor of Catechetics and the Director of the Masters of Arts in Catechetics and Evangelization at Franciscan University of Steubenville. He has a PhD in Theology from Liverpool Hope University where he researched Catholic youth and evangelization. He is a highly sought after presenter at youth conferences, young-adult gatherings, men’s conferences, parish missions, and catechetical workshops. Bob has authored many books, articles, and award-winning scripts that have helped people come to a deeper understanding of the Catholic faith. Bob has recorded numerous CDs and leads worship for over ten thousand people every year, mostly through the Steubenville Adult and Youth Conferences. He is the host of EWTN’s Franciscan University Presents. Bob lives in Steubenville with his beautiful wife Jennifer and their seven adorable children. You can find out more about him at bob-rice.com. He is the author of the life of Christ novel, Between the Saivior and the Sea, written through St. Peter's eyes and the spiriutality book, A 40-Day Spiritual Workout for Catholics.

This article is from The Catechetical Review (Online Edition ISSN 2379-6324) and may be copied for catechetical purposes only. It may not be reprinted in another published work without the permission of The Catechetical Review by contacting [email protected]

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