The New Evangelization is on everyone’s mind. New committees are being formed, new commissions convened. Books are being written, and speakers are speaking to other speakers and leaders to leaders. The New Evangelization is on everyone’s mind…except the mind of the average Catholic, who hasn’t the slightest idea that the latest discussion is quite frankly about them. The message is about to go through the maze of the Church and in the end for all of the baptized to become deeply in love and converted to the Person of Jesus Christ, everyone from top to bottom will have to answer the question posed by our Lord long ago to Peter: “Who do you say that I am?” And if we are honest, and this is a must, we may not like our answer.
What is the problem? Where have we failed? I am convinced that most Catholics, even though they have received the sacraments and had some form of religious education, have not had the Gospel proclaimed to them. They have not been converted to a deep love and desire for Jesus Christ. This is documented in studies. Catholics consistently report that they do not relate to a personal God. Catholics do not often identify themselves as Christians. Catholic? Maybe. Christian? Not Sure. A Disciple? No.
The rest of this online article is available for current Guild members.
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