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Catechetical Institute Resources

We seek to serve you through our rich resources, including videos, audio recordings, magazines, books, brochures, and other resources, produced by Franciscan University faculty and staff, conference speakers, and our collaborators. We are pleased to make many of these resources available for free, with only a handful of items requiring a subscription or purchase.
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Barbara A. Morgan and Sr. Athanasius Munroe, OP
Click to purchase from Lumen Ecclesiae Press. Echoing the Mystery, Unlocking the Deposit of Faith in Catechesis, aims to open the mysteries God has revealed to us. Through His Son, Jesus Christ, He has communicated to us His loving plan of salvation. In order for these Truths to be echoed down, they must first be studied and contemplated. This publication makes them accessible to anyone desiring to evangelize and catechize. The purpose of this manual is to help catechists analyze doctrine for catechesis— to identify the essential content of catechesis and to consider the various factors that will affect the arrangement of this material before they begin to plan their lessons.
Barbara A. Morgan and William J. Keimig
This Participant's Book and CD-ROM published by the Association for Catechumenal Ministry contains a content-rich, printable collection of 380 handouts for faith formation in a convenient and compact book and CD-ROM format. The book is supplied as a set of handouts that are designed to be masters for photocopying and the CD-ROM is provided to allow for printing the handouts in the book for RCIA participants. Browse and print handouts on doctrine, lives of the saints, conversion testimonies, liturgical year pieces, prayers, psalms, and other pertinent topics. Handouts can be used in many aspects of adult education such as parent meetings, bulletin inserts, catechist training, retreats, Bible studies, faith-sharing groups, infant Baptism preparation, marriage preparation and many more. With so many different types of handouts, leader's not only enjoy the flexibility of creating a yearly program tailored to their participants needs, but also benefit from its cost efficient nature. One Participant's Book is all you need to teach all your participants for years to come.
Barbara A. Morgan and William J. Keimig
The spiral-bound Catechist's Manual is designed to be a practical help to the catechist by offering a structured way of preparing for and presenting the catechetical portion of an RCIA session. Together with the companion Participant's Book, this manual enables catechists to prepare thoroughly for each session by presenting the faith both systematically and organically. It contains doctrinal lesson plans, with full Scripture and Catechism references and provides definitions of key terms. It also makes suggestions for hymns, prayers, and questions to use at meetings.
Barbara A. Morgan and William J. Keimig
This Leader's Manual is designed to provide a comprehensive aide for RCIA leaders in the work of implementing the full liturgical, catechetical, and pastoral aspects of the RCIA process. This book contains instructions about: facilitating an evangelizing and welcoming mentality in the parish, how to train all members of a team, how to recruit and train sponsors, how to discern the signs and stages of conversion, handling annulments and issues of baptismal validity, and other important issues. Practical appendices contain useful forms, sample letters, and sample retreat formats, and much more. All of which is copyable and printable. This book can be purchased for $64.95 from ACM's website. You'll need to create a free account before purchasing.
Barbara A. Morgan and William J. Keimig
This inexpensive and succinct booklet provides a straightforward and practical aide to those serving as sponsors or godparents in the Christian Initiation processes in their parish. It is pragmatic, spiritual, down-to-earth, and easy to read. It enables parish RCIA leaders to provide a high-quality means of effectively communicating the Church's intentions for this crucial ministry of companionship and conversion in the catechumenate.
Audio (Free)
Jason Evert
Click to listen through SoundCloud. Join Host Michael Hernon, panelists Scott Sollom and Dr. Scott Hahn, and special guest Jason Evert, author of "St. John Paul the Great: His Five Loves", as they discuss the greatest passions of our former Holy Father.
Video (Free)
Drake McCalister & Scott Sollom
Drake McCalister and Scott Sollom on setting up and leading a small group.
Click to open the Catechetical Review website. An international quarterly catechetical journal for directors of Religious Education, catechetical leaders, religious educators, youth ministers, RCIA coordinators and anyone involved in faith formation.
Click to purchase from Franciscan University Bookstore. The full, complete exposition of Catholic doctrine, this second edition of the international bestseller has been significantly expanded, enhancing both its content and usability. Revised in accordance with the official Latin text promulgated by Pope St. John Paul II.
Catechism of the Catholic Church
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