This page on Christian initiation is offered in each issue of The Sower as an on-going way to address specific questions that do not necessarily get addressed in more general articles and training resources. The questions all come straight from the field, and have two sources: 1) from readers like you; 2) from issues raised during seminars conducted by the Association for Catechumenal Ministry (ACM) over the past twelve years in various dioceses. This issue's questions:
Q. Our RCIA team wanted to explore some ways to more fully explore and make present Catholic prayer traditions and practices in our RCIA sessions. Any ideas?
Q. In years when we have teenagers coming into the Catholic faith through our parish, we’ve more and more felt the need to offer some kind of “follow-up” experience to help them jump in with both feet. At least we’d like to have a stronger neophyte year to “enliven” our teens with all the good stuff going on in the Church. What suggestions would you have?
The rest of this online article is available for current Guild members.
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