
Franciscan at Home

Forming those who form others

Encountering God in Catechesis

It is truly amazing what God can do when you focus on him. Lately, I have been reflecting on the “Smith” family, who came to our parish after beginning the RCIA process at two other parishes. When they came to our parish, I met with them to see how we could help.

I was amazed at their story and how much they desired to become Catholic! Mr. Smith shared with me how he was formally a leader in the Church of Christ and had begun to study Catholicism to prove it was wrong. His intentions may have been misdirected, yet even this was a response to God’s grace. His studies took a different turn: they led him to see how the Catholic Church was the one true Church. Once he realized this, he told his wife that he wanted to convert to Catholicism. She told him that if he converted it would “wreck” their marriage. He decided to pray and continue to study on his own, trusting that if God led him to this conclusion he would also provide a way for him to become Catholic and keep his family intact.

The rest of this online article is available for current Guild members.

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This article is from The Catechetical Review (Online Edition ISSN 2379-6324) and may be copied for catechetical purposes only. It may not be reprinted in another published work without the permission of The Catechetical Review by contacting [email protected]

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Current Issue: Volume 11.1

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